Three ridges and the priest

The subject line sounds like a joke but they are the section of trail I’m on at the moment. 🙂Im not doing as many miles but combining the priest on top of three ridges would be tough Three ridges:
3.8k up
5.5k down

There is a pic of three ridges before I climbed it. 3 ridges mountain is just above the sign.

At the end of that day I camped about 1/10 mile up the priest climb. The priest climb is about 3k feet up over 5 miles.
Rain was likely at 3 pm so I set up camp early. It ended up raining from 5pm until about 1am

After the climb up to the priest shelter I felt pretty good so I hiked a couple of extra miles past my plan

14.9 miles
5.9k up
3.9k down

Any additional miles would increase altitude and nearly 6k up was enough
I think my ankle is 100% now. Took no vitamin I and it still feels ok with no discernable swelling.

I skipped Buena Vista and am headed to Glasgow.

The next day was eventful:
– it rained all morning
– there was a lot of limbs from the previous night. Many I cleared from the trail
– one limb apparently had a wasp or hornet nest. I got hit once
– Goldie is trying to organize some trail magic!
– I met another flip flopper on the flop! (Daybreak). I think they may not be moving as fast though
– at lunch I slipped into a shelter to dry out a bit and just stayed there for an hour until the rain stopped. Twas quite nice!
– it rained on and off after I got my hammock up.
– My tarp has developed a (tiny) leak! Will have to deal with it in town
– the rain stopped around midnight
– added a pic of a weird groundcover I saw

20 miles
5.5k up
6.2k down

Heading into town…Glasgow, VA
2.4k up
4.2k down
So balmy….so wet. Remnants of tropical storm Fred are coming. Likely zero inn Glasgow to avoid more wet.

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