Into daleville

From thunder ridge to boppet’s gap shelter…started the morning in the misty rain breaking camp with a headlamp. There was a cool tunnel I took a picture of. Stayed damp almost all day. Had dinner early…thunder showers were threatening and there was a nearby shelter so I tucked in and made dinner. The showers surprisingly just dissipated.

23.6 miles6.1k up
8.0k down
Most elevation up+down in near highest miles. Somewhere in there I took a few hours helping a fella get his stuff back!

I wake up the next morning… Weather report says no rain (6%)…RADAR shows nothing…and it’s actively raining.
I want a job where I can be that wrong and it’s considered part of the job… Sheesh.

After being damp for the better part of 3 days I decided to grab a cheap hotel in Daleville. It was cheap. It was a hotel. It allowed me to dry out. It had a laundry. The best thing was that there was a decent Mexican-american food place across the street. Bottomless chips and salsa is hard when put in front of a hiker…because then you have to test it!

Boblett’s gap to Daleville
19 miles
4.7k up
5.7k down

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