Headed to Pearisburg!

Goldie drops me at the trailhead and I’m off to the races. I’m about a day past Daleville and I have a package coming to a hostel in Pearisburg.

I plan to zero in Pearisburg as it’ll be something like 7 trail days in a row and I need to deal with stuff coming in the packages. I have spent 2 nights off trail but was back on trail the next mornings…

I hiked dragons tooth today. I didn’t climb the tooth. Not my kind of thing. Was still pretty cool. With limited water I could either go 14 or 20. Was feeling good and 14 happened early, so opted for 20. Disperse camped right by the creek at dusk. I took more breaks to cool off during the day.
20.9 miles
5.9k up
6.3k down

I passed another milestone 1500 miles!

Pounded more miles on the trail. Super hot and water is scarce. I stayed at a dispersed site near a creek that was spacious and nice.

20 miles
5.4k up
5.0 k down

This was some tougher hiking today. Not from elevation or distance! It was the most rocky I recall in VA. It also needed a lot of trail grooming. Blown down trees and tall weeds were all in my business.
5.6k up
4.2k down

Finally, into Pearisburg! Rain forecasted so I got up early and hustled to town.
Got into town in time to get a few errands done. Will zero tomorrow.
13.5 miles
2.2k up
4.0k down

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