Springer mountain…

The weatherman’s forecast from a few days back was terrible. The clear sky days didn’t happen.

Yesterday turned to rain, then it rained all night, and the forecast was getting worse for the next 3 days. So instead of 16 and 8 mile days as planned I decided to pull a 24 and finish today!

It poured rain this morning. Water flowing on the trail was cascading over my shoes. At about 10:30 it relented. However, there was no point in putting on dry things as the creeks were so swollen that the stepping stones were under the flow.

The morning was pretty miserable. Other than wet hurting feet the afternoon wasn’t that bad!

The coolest thing was that Kindle came and joined me for the summit, gave me a ride to Atlanta and a bed to stay in for the night! It was an awesome ending to have a FLOBO join me for the end!

Once we got back to the parking lot WaterDoc showed up! He wasn’t planning to finish today but he did! Good on him!

After some Chick-fil-A and a hot shower I’m approaching humanity again.

Now I’m done. I’m a two thousand miler. A 2021 thru hiker. An AT alumni. It will take some time for that to settle in. I’ll do some recap later in another post. Maybe something like the top 10 stupid things thru hikers do when coming off trail….stay tuned!

I will get home late tomorrow. I’m ready to see my lady!

23.8 miles
5.4k up
4.6k down

Total miles: 2193.1

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