Finishing the smokies and several milestones!

I had some good whittle trail magic and a bunch of town food and got cleaned up and bounced back on the trail just before the break of day. I hiked out of Newfound gap this morning with a heavy pack but high spirits!

I was able to reach Clingman’s Dome before all the ground fog cleared on a clear sky day!

18 miles
4.3k up
4.5k down

2000 miles hiked!
<200 left!
More than 90% of the trail is completed!
10 hiking days (+/-) left!

So what’s up with the people?

Along my hike I’ve met a sight impaired hiker and a hearing impaired hiker. As much as what I’m doing seems difficult, I can’t imagine the added difficulty those hikers face.

For this mileage display I solicited help from other hikers. We made an attempt at forming 2000 using American sign language. Seeing as I looked it up in Google it may not be particularly accurate but it will remind me of the folks with greater challenges than I have who are hiking the trail. Thanks folks for the help!

Into Gatlinburg!

Although it started out damp and cold, the afternoon turned out quite nice.I thoroughly enjoyed Whittle coming by and joining me for a few days.

It didn’t get past the night low of 39F until the clouds broke around 11:30. Instead of hiking in shorts I wore my wool sleep pants and my wind pants. The wind pants earned their keep!

Incidentally, the wet wood won the war last night. The fire would have been nice, but I still slept warm and dry without it.

Just in Gatlinburg for the night. Clingman’s
Dome tomorrow. Weather looks great for hiking!

16.0 miles
3.1k up
4.0k down

Into the Smokies

Into the smokies I go!

It rained most of the night but I woke up dry.
I hiked most of the day with breeze.

We went through max patch which is known for views but it was socked in. Breeze exited for a hostel and I kept hiking. I crossed a river was does folks were rafting.

I started the smokies! I met whittle at the first shelter who is joining me for a few days! He finished his hike at Katahdin but wanted to see fall color in the smokies.

He brought some trail magic!

19 miles4.2k up
5.7k down

Leaving hot springs!

Hot springs was good. Had a day off and ate a ton of grub. Got new kicks, new glass strap, resupplied and ate at all three restaurants in town.

The first night I bought a couple of ribeyes and used the hostel grill to do them up! Had the leftovers during my zero with some eggs and cheese for breakfast…yum

The outfitter was outstanding and I got somegjhff found my new favorite sticker! ( See picture )
Hiked with breeze who is section hiking. He did a thru hike in 1996

17.6 miles
5.6k up
3.1k down

After a very blustery morning, we rolled into camp as the rain started. As breeze and I finished dinner, one eyed jack showed up! Tomorrow we may have shared misery of rain tomorrow.

Hot springs…nearo to zero

Gonna let the body recover a day.Today was an easy nearo.
I did get stung by a yellow jacket…that was less fun

One eyed jack had trouble with mice when he tried to sleep in the shelter. He ended up cowboy camping and heading out super early. I caught up later in the morning when he was chatting up some section hikers.

Once in town I got my smokies permit printed, had some 2nd breakfast, checked into the hostel and got everything clean. I got my last pair of hiking shoes! ( Thanks honey, for getting them and sending them!)

After first and second lunch in town I picked up some steaks to grill for dinner. Don’t judge! It was cheaper than eating out!

Tomorrow will be all about more food, binging Netflix, and getting resupplied.

11.5 miles
1.5k up
3.8k down

Derpy hiker random bits

Toe stubs while hiking: Sure you get to where you recover from toe stubs but it interrupts your mojo.  Also, if you do one, it means your next step placement was rushed which means you might do two in a row!   AaaaaHhhh!

Day hiker gab: a quick howdy and a question or two is cool.  The third time I halt my forward momentum and turn around I’m looking for a payday bar or an offer of a sandwich…or a drink…

Leaf litter: How does it get in all the places?  I think it proliferates in the dark.  Most likely dead leaves are actually some sort of woods sprite dumping offal into our packs to make them weigh more!

Other hiker superstitions: the guy that believes rubbing leaves on your cuts is a good idea is an idiot. 

Chairs with backs: are amazing. On trail we only see stumps, rocks, logs, and sometimes picnic tables.

Finding yourself: The number of people on the trail in some sort of transition in their lives is stunning. Between school and a job or between relationships or …

Everything: will eventually smell bad. … Sweaty hiker butt bad.

Always track: your glasses, cell, and wallet.  Everything else can and likely will eventually be replaced quickly in a town anyway.

3 pairs of socks isn’t abnormal: regardless of what other hikers might say.. 2 pair for hiking in case of wet, and a third pair for sleeping so you don’t make your bag smell as bad as your feet.

The cardinal rule: don’t go backward on the trail. For any reason. Ever.

Muggles: day hikers and non hikers… They just don’t know…

BO: you don’t notice yours for many days or other hikers’ funk. However, if a muggle comes by with freshly laundered clothes we can likely tell you the detergent brand (tide mountain air or gain, etc) before they are actually visible on the trail.

Hiking shape isn’t overall fit: I have low body fat. I can hike all day without much pause. Just don’t ask me to run, cycle, lift or even squat without lots of groaning and whining.

We don’t know about things not on the AT: I can’t tell you how many times a muggle has asked if they can get to the abc parking lot down this spur trail. Generally a thru hiker can describe the details of Audie Murphy’s memorial in gory details because it’s on the trail. If it’s not on trail it doesn’t exist!

Garbage: thru hikers are very good about garbage. We like it so much we will dutifully carry an empty tuna pouch for a 6 day summer carry until we get to a garbage can we can use. If you’re a day hiker and you want to make their day just offer to pack out their 5 ounces of mylar trash. Beware, they may try to kiss you on the lips.

I’m sure there are more things I haven’t mentioned that others will submit 🙂

Big bald

I think this is the last of the balds…?

Hiked with One eyed jack today.

We tried to try to catch the sunrise from big bald. It was amazing even without the full sunrise experience. After the attached picture the clouds came in so we headed out.

Decent hike day!

About 3 days back I somehow tore my bugnet that goes on my hammock. I was able to do a quick and dirty repair on it. I think the nylon thread should hold up better than tape for this particular problem.

19.0 miles
3.9k up
5.4k down

Climb out of Erwin

Started out hiking with one eyed jack who has 2 good eyes. He says he’s the jack of hearts… his brother is the spade.
I’ve learned that he’d a confirmed libertarian. I think I can live with that.

On the hike out I bumped a jersey mouse down the trail 3 times while it was strolling through the laurels. This one is black with a brown nose and roughly bear shaped. If you zoom in down the trail you can see it’s looking over it’s right shoulder back at me.
They grow them very big down in TN.
Yes, it was a bear.

There was also a great sunrise …I put the 1800 miles of sweat filter on my phone camera to get that nice ray capture.

I’m also trying to work out hiking from Davenport gap to Newfound gap with Whittle who I hiked with as he finally finished his AT section hike at Katahdin. He wants to rehike those few days of the smokies and leaf peep. It looks like it’ll work! It also gives me something to look forward to!

17 miles6.2k up2.8k down

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