South of rockfish gap.

Hot on first day out of rockfish gap
Chance of evening thunders
Burned through 5L water
Started hearing rumbles 1/2 mi from planned camp.
I hit the nitrous and boogied
15.5 mi4.3 up
3.4 down

Just barely got the tarp up before the bottom fell out. It was a spicy shower! It was a solid half second between the first flash and the boom…

It took about 30 mins for the storm to lose its energy; the views once it passed weren’t shabby.

Shennys days part 2

Got caught in the rain just after noon.Water is still scarce.
Had a fun morning! Spooked a flock of turkeys! Got a vid of the end of it. Also heard a bob white quail! I did as normal and whistled back mimicking it’s call. I also added a "group up" call that is more common in the evening … And I’ll be darned if it didn’t walk down the trail to stand right in front of me. Will post the vid when I get it uploaded.

19.7 miles
4.6k up
5.3k down

Also crossed 1300 miles!
Only hiked about 13 miles today. The next water is about 12 miles away so I wanted to start that with fresh legs.
3.2k up
3.0k down

Made it into rockfish gap, (Waynesboro)
20.2 miles
4.8k up
5.5k down
Will probably zero here as well.

Shenny days

It’s been good hiking in the Shenandoah national park.My ankle is slow to heal because I keep hiking on it but the pain is tolerable.

Hit my first wayside. I got a nice burger, fries, and shake for lunch!

Got a payday trail magic from a chatty trail runner! A couple of ladies shared birthday beers at the shelter which was a nice end to the day.

17 miles
4.6 up
3.9k down

So I had a 22+ mile day planned but the destination water source was dry. Found pay camping 1~ mile further.
23.9 miles
5.5k up
5.4k down
At 23.5 miles the surprise rain started.
The upside?: tall boy porch beer at the camp store watching the rain.
3 more shenny days to come
Water is a real issue at this point….maybe not if it keeps raining!

Regearing for heat

I’m headed into heat in the south end so I regearing a bit …

The outfitter in front royal had what I wanted:Light shorts
New shoes (Altra Olympus)
Dirty girl Gaiters (blame Pi for the leopard spots!)
Light fleece
Lighter socks
Replacement glasses strap

I also got a box from home:
Light quilt (40 degree)

Various refreshes of zip locks and stuff

Same purple shirt
Same face made for radio
Mom snapped a pic with Dad and me this morning!
Shipped other stuff home

Got to see some friendly faces!

I’ve made some progress in the south end.I see more familiar flora with some not-ripe-yet persimmons and paw paws. I did get to have some ripe trail blackberries!

I was pleasantly surprised when Mom and Dad stopped by so I took a zero in Front Royal to visit! Further, I was extra surprised by my nephew’s family also coming to visit!
Thank you Whitney for bringing your boys out to visit!

Tomorrow, back on the trail!

From bears den to whiskey hollow:
5k up
4.6k down

From whiskey hollow to front royal:
3.5 k up
3k down

Not sure if guthook is reporting altitude correctly but there we are…

Tough start to the flop

Well that wasn’t the ideal way to get back on trail.

I woke up early in Harper’s Ferry, WV. I was really ready to hit the trail. I got supplies so I’m prepared (heavy pack)!
I take the first step out of the hostel and I turn my ankle! Literally on the hostel steps. I’ve made it nearly 1200 miles through what is generally considered the hardest parts of the AT just fine and I fall down right in front of the hostel with an ankle twist.
So…I got up and walked….it’s what you do.

5 miles into the planned 17 mile day it’s really nagging me so I set up the hammock to elevate it and check it out. Oof…
…. One of these things, is not like the other.

I’m going to give it some ibuprofen and elevate and see what happens…

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